what I'm reading in April

Tuesday, April 03, 2018

This is a little silly, but my favorite day of every month is the last one, because I sit down and set my TBR list for the following month. Do most people hyper-organize their reading like that? Probably not, but here we are.

I read 10 books in March, which is less than I had hoped to read, but two of the books were quite large and one of them was a long audiobook – so, I'm calling it a win.

[ my march tbr + february recap ]

This month there was only one day all month where I didn't read at all. For all of you who might post below and ask me how I read so much, a big part of it has to do with making time to read every. single. day. I read at night before I go to bed, I even block that hour off on my calendar. I also always have a book in my purse or on my phone's Kindle or Nook apps as well as an audiobook loaded to my Audible app, so I am never without a story.

What I read in March

FALLING KINGDOMS by Morgan Rhodes. ⭐️⭐️ This was not my favorite. It was OK, not bad, but not good. FALLING KINGDOMS is the first in a fantasy series I have been really wanted to read, and even though I didn't enjoy this one – things were very scattered, and the pacing was off, and the characters were absurd at some points and totally dull at others – I'll keep pushing so I can read the later books, which are supposed to be far better.

• THE YOUNG QUEENS by Kendare Blake. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ I was destined to not like this very much because it was a novella, not a novel, in a series I've been reading and I am always so agitated by novellas – I think it's very much a money grab by an author to sell more books, less of an artistic / creative choice. 

• REBEL SPRING by Morgan Rhodes.  ⭐️⭐️ Like I said, the sequel to the book above was much better than FALLING KINGDOMS, so I'm glad I didn't drop the series after the first book totally stunk. The pacing was better here, and the characters had matured some.

• THE GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE TO VICE AND VIRTUE by Mackenzi Lee. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️  This was so fun. I still struggled with the length – I complained about how long it was and someone swore it was worth it, but I don't know that it was. But I loved Monty and Percy, and will always be glad I read it.

• TO KILL A KINGDOM by Alexandra Christo. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️  This Little Mermaid retelling was SO. GOOD. Ah. Addicting. So many things were not really resolved, but I'm more than fine with that because the storytelling was just that good.

• THE TRAITOR'S GAME by Jennifer A. Nielsen. ⭐️⭐️  Meh. I listened to this as an audiobook, and it was not very good, although not flat out bad. I struggled with the narrators but also felt like the plot was totally unremarkable. 

• NICE TRY, JANE SINNER by Lianne Oelke. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️  It came as such a surprise to me that I loved this book as much as I did. It was so funny, earnest and at some points, really sad, but I felt like Jane Sinner was relatable in a lot of ways and a great character to root for. I loved it.

• DAUGHTER OF THE SIREN QUEEN by Tricia Lavenseller. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️  The first book in this series wasn't great, so I don't really know why I decided to read the sequel, but I'm glad I did. It was much better. I also pushed myself to get past the sometimes juvenile writing and the overdescriptive prose to enjoy the siren-heavy plot, which was so much fun. 

• CHILDREN OF BLOOD AND BONE by Tomi Adeyemi. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ You should read this book. Period.

• OTHER PEOPLE'S HOUSES by Abbi Waxman. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This was my Book of the Month book for March and I held off reading it until the end of the month, although I don't really know why. It was so good, even though I don't really like contemporary fiction usually. Not as much as fantasy, at least. But it was so enjoyable! Read it! 

What I'm reading in April

On to the next batch! I want to read 12 books in April – not sure why I've decided to up the stakes for myself, but it probably has something to do with eight of the books on my April TBR being new releases / books I have to buy. *sigh*

Note: if you don't read fantasy as a genre, scroll to the bottom of the list for the contemporary books I have on my list this month. Fantasy is my primary and preferred genre – I am writing a YA fantasy novel, so I consume a lot of fantasy novels myself as a result – but I do read the occasional contemporary fiction novel, too!

ASH PRINCESS by Laura Sebastian. Oh, my lanta, am I excited for this one. This comes out at the very end of April so I probably won't actually be able to read it, but the concept is so different and sounds so, so, so good. Not to mention the cover is gorgeous.

• THE FATES DIVIDE by Veronica Roth. I am torn about the first book in this series, CARVE THE MARK, but I want to give Roth another chance with the sequel because 1) the story does have promise and 2) I loved DIVERGENT so much.

• LOVE & WAR by Melissa de la Cruz. Hamilton fans, hello! This is the second book in a YA historical fiction series about Alexander Hamilton and Eliza Schuyler. In the first book, they're falling in love and then they get married; in this book, the war is coming to an end. SO excited for this one.

• RESTORE ME by Tahereh Mafi. So, a fun fact about me: I am always too afraid to read new books in a series that I am in love with, because I am scared that something bad will happen to one of my favorite characters, or that my ship will sink, or who knows. So, I was most excited to read this book in March... but too afraid to actually get past the first 20 or so pages. Typical. (I blame Veronica Roth for the fear that my main character will die.)

• HERO AT THE FALL by Alwyn Hamilton. This is the last book in a series I read in January and February and totally fell in love with. (Actually, I am now questioning if this is the last book or not. I thought it was. Hmm.) It's such a fun fantasy series that I totally recommend – and it's not too overwhelming.

• THE QUEENS OF INNIS LEAR by Tessa Graton. This is one of the books my book club chose to talk about this month (I'm in a YA book club on Facebook, it's awesome!!!) and the premise and cover intrigued me, and reminded me of THREE DARK CROWNS. 

• THE CITY OF BRASS by S. A. Chakraborty. I'll be honest – this has been on my TBR all year so far. And I haven't had much luck with actually reading it. But it's another book chosen for my book club this month so I'm going to give it a try.

• GATHERING DARKNESS by Morgan Rhodes. This is book #3 in the FALLING KINGDOMS series and since book #2 was so much better than book #1, I have high hopes for this one.

• ACE OF SHADES by Amanda Foody. This has been on my TBR for months. It doesn't sound like it's fantasy, actually, just a historical fiction, so I'm excited to check this out.

• LEAH ON THE OFFBEAT by Becky Albertalli. Eeeeeek back to the world of Simon. *praise hands*

• THE HATE U GIVE by Angie Thomas. I have put this one off for too long. I have heard so much amazing (and surely worthwhile) praise for this, and it is still on the YA bestseller's list. Time to read it! 

• ELEANOR OLIPHANT IS COMPLETELY FINE by Gail Honeyman. I started this on Monday afternoon and wasn't loving it at first – it wasn't what I expected – but I usually love contemporary novels framed like this one, so we'll see.

• TYLER JOHNSON WAS HERE by Jay Coles. This is another book club read that I knew I needed and wanted to read the minute I heard about it. I am giving myself quite a big challenge here to read DEAR MARTIN, THE HATE U GIVE and TYLER JOHNSON WAS HERE all in one month, but it is so important and I recommend y'all give at least one of these a try, too.

• DEAR MARTIN by Nic Stone. I finished this on Sunday afternoon – it's very short, although emotionally difficult – and would recommend it to anyone. So good, but CW: A young black man is shot and killed by an off-duty cop. 

• FAR FROM THE TREE by Robin Benway. I started this back in November when I took a flight but I miraculously put it down and never picked it back up again? I am trying to make room for both new books and old books this month, so I am going to try reading this again. I enjoyed it a lot so I'm not sure why I got distracted!

• BIG MAGIC by Elizabeth Gilbert. This is my audiobook for the month, and I am feeling so inspired already – and very grateful for my creativity. 


What are you reading this month?

[review] Stitch Fix, March 2018 #2

Friday, March 30, 2018
I am a glutton for punishment, obviously, because after I was less than pleased with my last StitchFix, I decided to schedule another one for the following week to try and get a better selection. Welp.

When my box shipped, I immediately peeked (I always peek!) and looked to see what was coming. I was SO disappointed in this box. I didn't add a note to my stylist which is rare, but I didn't get the usual email notification to do that before my box shipped – maybe because of the short window between boxes?

(Note: I rarely get two StitchFix boxes in one month. That's a pretty big expense for me! But I was still looking for some new spring pieces and wasn't satisfied with my first box in March.)

If you've never heard of Stitch Fix, it is a subscription styling service. You pay a $20 styling fee and your stylist sends you 5 pieces customized to your tastes and needs. There is an extensive style profile for you to fill out and you can send your stylist a note with more details or requests! The items range in price depending on your preferences – I set mine at "the cheaper, the better."

The $20 styling fee is put towards any items from your box you decide to keep, and you also get a 25% discount if you keep everything in the box!

Interested? Sign up here!

Disclaimer: The links in this post may be affiliate links, so I may make some money if you click or make a purchase.

Toms - Classic Alpargata Solid Canvas Slip-On Flats
Price: $48
Verdict: Returned

I actually love Toms, so I would've considered keeping these, but the minute I saw them on my Fix, I knew they wouldn't fit. I could've exchanged them for a larger size (that's a really useful StitchFix feature!) but wasn't in love with the color, so I went ahead and sent them back.

Articles of Society - Silverlake Chomp Hem Skinny Jean
Price: $64
Verdict: Kept

Hazel Colette Button Down Top
Price: $58
Verdict: Returned

Oh gosh, this was just not me at all. I don't know how to describe my issues with it, really, but I put it on and was like, "Nope." The pattern mixing was so bizarre, and there was a little peplum-like flap in the back that didn't make sense to me. I also am holding firm on not spending money on tank tops, considering I will always wear a cardigan or jacket over them, or just not wear them at all. I just like sleeves. 

Vince Camuto Tannery Button Down Top
Price: $88
Verdict: Returned

Ah, the Vince Camuto shirt rears its expensive head again.

I just got a Vince Camuto button-down in my last Fix and was thoroughly disappointed by it, so I was surprised to see another expensive button-down in the Fix I got to make myself feel better after my disappointing Fix. Very confusing. 

This one was looser and ... well... uglier than the last one. Bye, bye.

Lemon Tart Jessy Frayed Trim Denim Jacket
Price: $88
Verdict: Returned

I am not cool enough for denim jackets, I've decided. I just don't love how casual they look. So, this one went back too. An $88 denim jacket isn't really my kinda jam, anyway, even though I loved that this was a great army green. 


Another disappointing StitchFix. I hope my April box is better or I will have to take a break for a while. 

8 ways to squash the Sunday scaries

Monday, March 19, 2018

I hate the Sunday scaries, and as I come up on a full month of working from home only half of the week, I have found the last three or so weeks to always begin with the threat of the Sunday scaries. For some people, the Sunday scaries might be because they really don't want to go to work or school – they dread it so much that Sunday is a horrible day for them.

For me, the Sunday scaries is just the culmination of everything I have to do and haven't yet done, staring down at me, saying, "It's time, Paige." I think we all have this on Sunday evenings/Monday mornings, though. We see what we have to get done in the week ahead and see what we didn't get done over the weekend (probably for a good reason!) and ... well ... freak out.

My mom was with me this weekend, and if there's one thing my mom and I have in common, it's our ability to knock out tasks on a to do list. And that's exactly what we did on Saturday evening and Sunday, so the Sunday scaries were just a myth yesterday evening. I got to enjoy a book I've been reading, work on my novel and take Theo on a walk – all without feeling guilty or stressed.

I have a few things I do every Sunday to make sure I set myself up for success for the rest of the week and don't feel stalked all day long by everything I need to do.

Here are my tips for making the most of your Sunday and setting yourself up for scary-free success:

1. Write down (or type out) everything you'd like to get done on your Sunday – or your weekend, if that is easier.

Y'all know how I feel about the power of the brain dump. Get it out of your head and onto paper.

2. Include fun stuff, like watching a movie or reading – it's not ALL chores and laundry!

I literally wrote down, "Take a shower." *shrug emoji*

3. Treat yourself with accomplish goals. 

"If I finish this really annoying task I've been putting off, I'll watch an episode of Seinfeld while I fold laundry.

4. If long lists are the reason why you have the Sunday scaries in the first place, separate your list into things that MUST get done before you go to bed and things that you'd just LIKE to get done.

I like really detailed lists because my list looks like I accomplished more! To each their own.

5. Don't lock yourself in the house all day. Work in errands that let you get some sunshine, talk to other people, etc.

i.e., I always go grocery shopping on Sundays!

6. If you have a roommate or a partner, ask for help.

Maybe this is just me, but I like to take things on and try to do it all myself

7. Make sure you are actually accomplishing tasks that will make your life easier for the rest of the week.

Are you really going to be happier come Thursday because you dusted your blinds but didn't make a meal plan for the week? Hmmmm?

8. Listen to great music or an engaging podcast or audiobook while you work.

I clean and accomplish my Sunday task list to the soundtrack of Hipster Cocktail Party, the ultimate Pandora playlist. (Well, this Sunday was to the soundtrack of March Madness.)

What my Sunday list looks like every week

– Load dishwasher.
– Empty dishwasher.
– Do all laundry in the house.
– Fold & put away laundry.
– Bake bread.
– Make meal plan & grocery list.
– Grocery shop.
– Pack lunch for Monday.
– Monday blog.
– Wash sheets.
– Make bed.
– Clean bathrooms.
– Run Roomba (I usually run it 2x on Sundays. Theo is a beast.)
– Schedule social media for the week.
– Read 30 minutes.
– Work on novel for 1 hour.
– Set up planner for the week.

(But more detailed than this, tbh. I'm holding back.)


Y'all, my house is so clean. How long will it last? Just ask Theo.

what i'm loving this week

Friday, March 16, 2018

It's already the second week of March – isn't that insane?

I've been planning a lot of things and a lot of things have come across my desk or my inbox that will need to happen in April – getting my car inspected, for example, and Patrick and I are going to a Jimmy Buffett concert with his parents – and I've been thinking all year that April was decades away. Ummm it's somehow only 16 days away. How and when did that happen?

• I was a little skeptical about this cardigan when I first tried it on in my StitchFix this month, and I decided to keep it because I love cardigans so much and because I liked how light yet sturdy the fabric was. Well. I have worn it every. single. day. since the box arrived on Friday. I wear it all over the house during the day (I run colder than Patrick, always, and it's easier for me to layer than for him to walk around half-dressed, ha!) and on the last few colder days, to work and on errands under my coat. Now that it's gotten a little warmer again, this is what I reach for to take Theo outside. So, I'm glad I kept it.

• I have been spending so much time on Instagram watching everyone's Instagram Stories. Am I totally behind? (As usual.) Why are these so much fun? My favorites are @carly, @lonestarsouthern and @brightonkeller. I could watch for HOURS. (And I probably would.) I am also doing more of my own Instagram Stories and have been doing shopping hauls & other fun things whenever I have a chance!

• I got my hair done again and added even more blonde! (And hello, little piece in front that has a mind of its own and is going red? Unsurprising.) I had a ton of blonde in the back but not as much in the front, so I went back to the salon to go a little brighter and I think this is exactly where I'm going to stay! And my hair is finally starting to go back to a length that doesn't make me want to scream. What was I thinking cutting it so short?!

• I got my Spring 2018 FabFitFun box on Thursday, and I am so excited! A lot of people were really bummed about this box, but considering I paid $49.99 for the box and the clutch, earrings and candle total up to way more than that, not even considering the other items... I'm happy! I'm trading some of the skincare & makeup items with my mom for a crossbody purse that came in her FabFitFun starter box but am really excited about the Rachel Pally clutch, the earrings (which I got to pick), the candle which smells AMAZING and is a gorgeous copper and the lip masks – because I'm all about my lippies these days.



... reading: To Kill A Kingdom by Alexandra Christo. SO GOOD.

... listening: Audiobooks and my Hipster Cocktail Party Pandora playlist are getting me through the day. But it is almost spring which means it's country music with the windows down season!

... eating: Pita bread & Trader Joe's roasted garlic hummus. YUM. Oh, and bagels with cream cheese and a heavy sprinkling of TJ's Everything Bagel seasoning. 

... drinking: Water with lemon slices. This is one of my favorite things and I have not been drinking enough water lately. 

... wanting: A pair of Tieks. Am I crazy? Are they totally not worth it?

... loving: March Madness. 

... watching: Planet Earth II. Y'all. I cannot tell you how excited I am that this exists. 

What is on your radar this week?

[review] Stitch Fix, March 2018

Monday, March 12, 2018
Time for a Stitch Fix review! I have been super lapse on my StitchFix reviews lately, but this is one of my favorite services that I subscribe to and I can't recommend it enough 99.9% of the time. I just spent $49 on Stitch Fix Style Pass, which is a full year of unlimited fixes for no fees – and I got the $49 back in credit on items in this fix.

If you've never heard of Stitch Fix, it is a subscription styling service. You pay a $20 styling fee and your stylist sends you 5 pieces customized to your tastes and needs. There is an extensive style profile for you to fill out and you can send your stylist a note with more details or requests! The items range in price depending on your preferences – I set mine at "the cheaper, the better."

The $20 styling fee is put towards any items from your box you decide to keep, and you also get a 25% discount if you keep everything in the box! 

Interested? Sign up here!

Disclaimer: The links in this post may be affiliate links, so I may make some money if you click or make a purchase.

good hYOUman Brooke printed ruched detail leggings in cobalt
Price: $69
Verdict: Kept

I personally requested another pair of these leggings of my StitchFix stylist. I was bummed that I got the blue and not another pair of black, but these are the softest and most flattering leggings I have ever worn. They don't ride up ever and look great with a blouse or just a T-shirt. 

RD Style Chara boucle open cardigan in off-white
Price: $74
Verdict: Kept

My first thought: "This is the most granny-looking cardigan I have ever seen."

And then I realized, "Hey, I am a granny."

This sweater is not soft, but it is cozy and thick, yet it still breathes. I wore it to work on a chilly day and didn't need a coat. It's pricy for a cardigan but I'm happy to get a lot of wear out of it.

Tommy Hilfiger Mellva zip-up knit hoodie in light grey
Price: $68
Verdict: Returned

I almost didn't even put this on. I knew there was no point. Where did I go wrong with my stylist to think she should send me a $68 athletic hoodie? Bizarre. I didn't even consider this for a second.

Vince Camuto Loise button down top in olive
Price: $98
Verdict: Returned

$98 for a button down? Y'all. I know Stitch Fix items tend to be pricier than what I might buy for myself usually but... I'm not crazy.

The sleeves were a little too loose, too, and I have a similar shirt in my closet. This shirt was incredibly soft and one of my favorite colors, but not worth it!

Market & Spruce Meg knit dress in white and grey
Price: $58
Verdict: Returned

I am kind of regretting returning this because this was a cute dress, and I can't blame my stylist for thinking it would be a total hit. It fit nicely and hit me at a great length, and I love stripes and the color grey. But I am trying to resist buying things that I wouldn't wear on their own, and I am really weird about tank tops these days – I almost always wear something over them, even in the heat of the summer. I don't like to get sunburned!


So, that was my March 2018 Stitch Fix. (I time traveled back to 2017 when I originally typed this post, and left it like that until right before publishing. Sigh. It takes me a while to get used to a new year!)

I think I am a little bit addicted to Stitch Fix right now, so I am hoping the one I just scheduled for next week will be better!

Do you get Stitch Fix or another clothing subscription service, or have you tried one? How do you like it? If not, what's holding you back?

february wrapup + my goals for march

Friday, March 09, 2018
I don't think I'll ever have a month where my instinct at the end of it isn't to say, "Wow, that was a crazy month." so, I'll spare you all the intro that says exactly the same thing as the last month's intro said on this same post.

Honestly, if February were the same length as a normal month, it probably wouldn't have been as crazy as it was! But I felt constantly like I was cramming a full month's worth of work and life into a baby month. (Those three days can be huge!)

I also started my new job at the end of the month and that was a huge learning curve for me (and continues to be one).

What I wanted to accomplish in February

• No extraneous/unnecessary spending in February. I don't even want to talk about this. It is way too easy for me to make excuses to spend money.

• Save $250. I did great with my savings goals in February and was able to make another deposit into my savings account this month already. Happy about that!

• Read 10 books.  I wish I was reading instead of shopping. Alas, I somehow manage accomplish both. Here's my roundup of books I read in February.

• Blog twice a week. No go, unfortunately.

• Hit my LipSense sales & recruiting goals. I accomplished a lot of what I wanted to in February but not quite where I wanted to be. But March is already shaping up to be better!

My goals for March

• Read 10 books. I am really behind on my reading for the month and I am STRESSED. I just haven't gotten into any of the books I've picked up so far and it's driving me crazy. But I want to keep up with at least 10 books a month so I don't get behind! 

• Clean out closet. This is something I put off in January that I really shouldn't have! I need to clean this stuff out. I'm going to get a ThredUp kit so I can just ship it off instead of procrastinating on taking it to Plato's Closet or a thrift store.

• Blog twice a week. I love writing, of course, and blogging twice a week keeps me on a steady schedule while also still keeping my blog content up to date. I'd love to be able to invest more time into my blog and blog daily again, but it is just not a priority right now, unfortunately.

• Walk Theo once a week. Theo gets plenty of exercise and stimulation because of his training schedule (I spend a lot of money on his training, don't even get me started) but we don't go on extended walks hardly at all. Now that it's finally getting a little less frigid, we have to get back in the habit because he is becoming a terrible leash walker again!

• Cook at home 4x a week. I did not have such a good go of this this week, but I need to consistently keep it up for the rest of the month! Lately, we've been eating huge lunches and end up snacking for dinner because we're full. I guess that counts?

• Pack lunch 4x a week. I have packed lunch every day that I've worked in the office so far this month and hopefully I will keep it up! 

• Spend 10 hours a week working on my novel. This is important. I cannot tell myself this enough. My novel is a really important side project that I have and it is my dream that one day it won't just be a side project. So I need to commit!


What are your goals for this week?

what I'm reading in March

Monday, March 05, 2018
Time for my favorite wrapup of every month: What I read in February and what I'm reading in March! I used to have a section of books I bought in the previous month but my book buying has gotten a little out of hand so I would rather not scare any readers into thinking I've become a book hoarder.

(Although I have, probably.)

I read 11 books in February (although somewhere I have it written down that I read 12, I think I'm confused) and wasn't really excited about any of them. A few of them were letdowns for me, most were good but not great. I was hoping for greatness, especially from THE QUEEN'S RISING – which I liked, not loved! – and THE BELLES, which I just thought was not good at all. Honestly, I was probably too generous with my rating.

But I am wildly excited about the books coming out in March and the books on my TBR stack to read this month, so here's to that!

Books I read in February

(in reverse order) 

AND I DARKEN by Kiersten White. I warmed up to this book after a little while (OK, after about 200 pages) but I had a really hard time getting into it. I stuck around because this is a time period that is pretty much completely ignored as far as historical fiction goes, not to mention YA historical fiction, and I really wanted to make it work. As the characters aged and matured, I started to care a little bit more about them and relate more to them. I loved the slow burn of Mehmed and Lada's relationship, although I kind of wanted to kick both of them in the teeth half the time, and I really began to love Radu, too, although it took a while. He can be a total pain. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

TRAITOR TO THE THRONE by Alwyn Hamilton. This was a slow burn for me, as well, but I ended up really loving reading about Amani in enemy territory. The lands of sultans and harems and all of that always make for really fascinating stories when mixed with magic and really strong heroines, and this one was no difference. I also appreciated how very little Jin was in this book, and the entire book wasn't about Amani missing Jin. Although that is one of my top OTPs these days! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

RUINED by Amy Tintera. This was fun, although the instalove between Em and Cas threw me off a little bit – not enough, because it wasn't that bad of a case, but a little bit. It is a really unique world and Em, herself, is unique – usually, most main characters are powerful in ways they shouldn't be (they've got magical powers, some sort of other power, some unique characteristic, etc.) and with Em, she is born into a magical family and has no magic. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

THE BELLES by Dhonielle Clayton. This was the biggest disappointment of February, quite possibly of 2018. I wanted to love this book for so many reasons but for a few big ones, it fell flat. ⭐️⭐️

A COURT OF WINGS AND RUIN by Sarah J. Maas. I will never stop loving or rereading this book. (And now, listening, because I have the Audible versions!) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

YOU'LL MISS ME WHEN I'M GONE by Rachel Lynn Solomon. This was a really emotional read that I didn't expect to love as much as I did. Contemporaries are not really my jam as of late, but I loved the concept of this novel – two twins take a test at the beginning of the novel to find out if they too will develop Huntington's disease like their mother. One twin will get it, and one twin won't. It was so good. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

THE QUEEN'S RISING by Rebecca Ross. I really liked this, too, although I had a few issues that were hard to handle (mainly, everything went way too smoothly, and the main character's love interest was unsurprising but still had a little bit of an ick factor). I also expected that the main character was the queen the title refers to, so that was a bit of a letdown. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

LITTLE FIRES EVERYWHERE by Celeste Ng. This was a highly recommended book that I did enjoy! I didn't think it was GREAT AMAZING GREAT like many others but contemporary fiction just isn't my jam 99.9 percent of the time. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

• REIGN THE EARTH by A.C. Gaughen. For YA, this has some fairly adult content in it, but it's not graphic and is very well done. The main character marries the king of their enemy country so that her people, a desert tribe, can live in peace. She learns that she has an Elementae power, which is one thing her husband is trying to rid the world of. It gets a little crazy and hard to follow near the end, but it's good and action-packed. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AN ENCHANTMENT OF RAVENS by Margaret Rogerson. I wanted this to be so much more than it was. I think I am partial to the High Fae depicted by both Sarah J. Maas and Cassandra Clare, because these High Fae were just annoying. At least in THE CRUEL PRINCE, which I also struggled with, the High Fae still felt regal and powerful and everything I expect from them, just crueler and less human. The High Fae in AN ENCHANTMENT OF RAVENS were... I don't even know. And then, of course, INSTALOVE. Sigh. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

A COURT OF MIST AND FURY by Sarah J. Maas. Read above. Still true. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Books I want to read in March

(I've since added a few more books to the list... unsurprisingly.)


And I've already finished FALLEN KINGDOMS this month, which I gave ⭐️⭐️. 


What are you reading this month? Any recommendations?

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