february wrapup + my goals for march

Friday, March 09, 2018
I don't think I'll ever have a month where my instinct at the end of it isn't to say, "Wow, that was a crazy month." so, I'll spare you all the intro that says exactly the same thing as the last month's intro said on this same post.

Honestly, if February were the same length as a normal month, it probably wouldn't have been as crazy as it was! But I felt constantly like I was cramming a full month's worth of work and life into a baby month. (Those three days can be huge!)

I also started my new job at the end of the month and that was a huge learning curve for me (and continues to be one).

What I wanted to accomplish in February

• No extraneous/unnecessary spending in February. I don't even want to talk about this. It is way too easy for me to make excuses to spend money.

• Save $250. I did great with my savings goals in February and was able to make another deposit into my savings account this month already. Happy about that!

• Read 10 books.  I wish I was reading instead of shopping. Alas, I somehow manage accomplish both. Here's my roundup of books I read in February.

• Blog twice a week. No go, unfortunately.

• Hit my LipSense sales & recruiting goals. I accomplished a lot of what I wanted to in February but not quite where I wanted to be. But March is already shaping up to be better!

My goals for March

• Read 10 books. I am really behind on my reading for the month and I am STRESSED. I just haven't gotten into any of the books I've picked up so far and it's driving me crazy. But I want to keep up with at least 10 books a month so I don't get behind! 

• Clean out closet. This is something I put off in January that I really shouldn't have! I need to clean this stuff out. I'm going to get a ThredUp kit so I can just ship it off instead of procrastinating on taking it to Plato's Closet or a thrift store.

• Blog twice a week. I love writing, of course, and blogging twice a week keeps me on a steady schedule while also still keeping my blog content up to date. I'd love to be able to invest more time into my blog and blog daily again, but it is just not a priority right now, unfortunately.

• Walk Theo once a week. Theo gets plenty of exercise and stimulation because of his training schedule (I spend a lot of money on his training, don't even get me started) but we don't go on extended walks hardly at all. Now that it's finally getting a little less frigid, we have to get back in the habit because he is becoming a terrible leash walker again!

• Cook at home 4x a week. I did not have such a good go of this this week, but I need to consistently keep it up for the rest of the month! Lately, we've been eating huge lunches and end up snacking for dinner because we're full. I guess that counts?

• Pack lunch 4x a week. I have packed lunch every day that I've worked in the office so far this month and hopefully I will keep it up! 

• Spend 10 hours a week working on my novel. This is important. I cannot tell myself this enough. My novel is a really important side project that I have and it is my dream that one day it won't just be a side project. So I need to commit!


What are your goals for this week?

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