Time for my favorite wrapup of every month: What I read in February and what I'm reading in March! I used to have a section of books I bought in the previous month but my book buying has gotten a little out of hand so I would rather not scare any readers into thinking I've become a book hoarder.
(Although I have, probably.)
I read 11 books in February (although somewhere I have it written down that I read 12, I think I'm confused) and wasn't really excited about any of them. A few of them were letdowns for me, most were good but not great. I was hoping for greatness, especially from THE QUEEN'S RISING – which I liked, not loved! – and THE BELLES, which I just thought was not good at all. Honestly, I was probably too generous with my rating.
But I am wildly excited about the books coming out in March and the books on my TBR stack to read this month, so here's to that!
Books I read in February
(in reverse order)
• AND I DARKEN by Kiersten White. I warmed up to this book after a little while (OK, after about 200 pages) but I had a really hard time getting into it. I stuck around because this is a time period that is pretty much completely ignored as far as historical fiction goes, not to mention YA historical fiction, and I really wanted to make it work. As the characters aged and matured, I started to care a little bit more about them and relate more to them. I loved the slow burn of Mehmed and Lada's relationship, although I kind of wanted to kick both of them in the teeth half the time, and I really began to love Radu, too, although it took a while. He can be a total pain. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
• TRAITOR TO THE THRONE by Alwyn Hamilton. This was a slow burn for me, as well, but I ended up really loving reading about Amani in enemy territory. The lands of sultans and harems and all of that always make for really fascinating stories when mixed with magic and really strong heroines, and this one was no difference. I also appreciated how very little Jin was in this book, and the entire book wasn't about Amani missing Jin. Although that is one of my top OTPs these days! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
• RUINED by Amy Tintera. This was fun, although the instalove between Em and Cas threw me off a little bit – not enough, because it wasn't that bad of a case, but a little bit. It is a really unique world and Em, herself, is unique – usually, most main characters are powerful in ways they shouldn't be (they've got magical powers, some sort of other power, some unique characteristic, etc.) and with Em, she is born into a magical family and has no magic. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
• THE BELLES by Dhonielle Clayton. This was the biggest disappointment of February, quite possibly of 2018. I wanted to love this book for so many reasons but for a few big ones, it fell flat. ⭐️⭐️
• A COURT OF WINGS AND RUIN by Sarah J. Maas. I will never stop loving or rereading this book. (And now, listening, because I have the Audible versions!) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
• YOU'LL MISS ME WHEN I'M GONE by Rachel Lynn Solomon. This was a really emotional read that I didn't expect to love as much as I did. Contemporaries are not really my jam as of late, but I loved the concept of this novel – two twins take a test at the beginning of the novel to find out if they too will develop Huntington's disease like their mother. One twin will get it, and one twin won't. It was so good. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
• THE QUEEN'S RISING by Rebecca Ross. I really liked this, too, although I had a few issues that were hard to handle (mainly, everything went way too smoothly, and the main character's love interest was unsurprising but still had a little bit of an ick factor). I also expected that the main character was the queen the title refers to, so that was a bit of a letdown. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
• LITTLE FIRES EVERYWHERE by Celeste Ng. This was a highly recommended book that I did enjoy! I didn't think it was GREAT AMAZING GREAT like many others but contemporary fiction just isn't my jam 99.9 percent of the time. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
• REIGN THE EARTH by A.C. Gaughen. For YA, this has some fairly adult content in it, but it's not graphic and is very well done. The main character marries the king of their enemy country so that her people, a desert tribe, can live in peace. She learns that she has an Elementae power, which is one thing her husband is trying to rid the world of. It gets a little crazy and hard to follow near the end, but it's good and action-packed. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
• AN ENCHANTMENT OF RAVENS by Margaret Rogerson. I wanted this to be so much more than it was. I think I am partial to the High Fae depicted by both Sarah J. Maas and Cassandra Clare, because these High Fae were just annoying. At least in THE CRUEL PRINCE, which I also struggled with, the High Fae still felt regal and powerful and everything I expect from them, just crueler and less human. The High Fae in AN ENCHANTMENT OF RAVENS were... I don't even know. And then, of course, INSTALOVE. Sigh. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
• A COURT OF MIST AND FURY by Sarah J. Maas. Read above. Still true. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Books I want to read in March
(I've since added a few more books to the list... unsurprisingly.)
And I've already finished FALLEN KINGDOMS this month, which I gave ⭐️⭐️.
What are you reading this month? Any recommendations?