8 ways to squash the Sunday scaries

Monday, March 19, 2018

I hate the Sunday scaries, and as I come up on a full month of working from home only half of the week, I have found the last three or so weeks to always begin with the threat of the Sunday scaries. For some people, the Sunday scaries might be because they really don't want to go to work or school – they dread it so much that Sunday is a horrible day for them.

For me, the Sunday scaries is just the culmination of everything I have to do and haven't yet done, staring down at me, saying, "It's time, Paige." I think we all have this on Sunday evenings/Monday mornings, though. We see what we have to get done in the week ahead and see what we didn't get done over the weekend (probably for a good reason!) and ... well ... freak out.

My mom was with me this weekend, and if there's one thing my mom and I have in common, it's our ability to knock out tasks on a to do list. And that's exactly what we did on Saturday evening and Sunday, so the Sunday scaries were just a myth yesterday evening. I got to enjoy a book I've been reading, work on my novel and take Theo on a walk – all without feeling guilty or stressed.

I have a few things I do every Sunday to make sure I set myself up for success for the rest of the week and don't feel stalked all day long by everything I need to do.

Here are my tips for making the most of your Sunday and setting yourself up for scary-free success:

1. Write down (or type out) everything you'd like to get done on your Sunday – or your weekend, if that is easier.

Y'all know how I feel about the power of the brain dump. Get it out of your head and onto paper.

2. Include fun stuff, like watching a movie or reading – it's not ALL chores and laundry!

I literally wrote down, "Take a shower." *shrug emoji*

3. Treat yourself with accomplish goals. 

"If I finish this really annoying task I've been putting off, I'll watch an episode of Seinfeld while I fold laundry.

4. If long lists are the reason why you have the Sunday scaries in the first place, separate your list into things that MUST get done before you go to bed and things that you'd just LIKE to get done.

I like really detailed lists because my list looks like I accomplished more! To each their own.

5. Don't lock yourself in the house all day. Work in errands that let you get some sunshine, talk to other people, etc.

i.e., I always go grocery shopping on Sundays!

6. If you have a roommate or a partner, ask for help.

Maybe this is just me, but I like to take things on and try to do it all myself

7. Make sure you are actually accomplishing tasks that will make your life easier for the rest of the week.

Are you really going to be happier come Thursday because you dusted your blinds but didn't make a meal plan for the week? Hmmmm?

8. Listen to great music or an engaging podcast or audiobook while you work.

I clean and accomplish my Sunday task list to the soundtrack of Hipster Cocktail Party, the ultimate Pandora playlist. (Well, this Sunday was to the soundtrack of March Madness.)

What my Sunday list looks like every week

– Load dishwasher.
– Empty dishwasher.
– Do all laundry in the house.
– Fold & put away laundry.
– Bake bread.
– Make meal plan & grocery list.
– Grocery shop.
– Pack lunch for Monday.
– Monday blog.
– Wash sheets.
– Make bed.
– Clean bathrooms.
– Run Roomba (I usually run it 2x on Sundays. Theo is a beast.)
– Schedule social media for the week.
– Read 30 minutes.
– Work on novel for 1 hour.
– Set up planner for the week.

(But more detailed than this, tbh. I'm holding back.)


Y'all, my house is so clean. How long will it last? Just ask Theo.

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