• The Myers-Briggs test is more commonly used and bases the results off of four personality traits. (You've probably seen the acronyms before, and you may have already taken this test.) It doesn't take very much time at all.
• The Big Five personality test lets you know how you score on the five fundamental dimensions of personality. This one doesn't have a fun acronym, so, bummer there, but it is a little bit more expansive, results-wise.
According to the Myers-Briggs test, I am an ESTJ, which is the executive personality.
I am:
• 58 percent extraverted
• 96 percent observant
• 55 percent thinking
• 94 percent judging
• 77 percent turbulent
About 11 percent of the population is an ESTJ.
Like I said, the Big Five test does not have a fun acronym, but here is how I scored on the OCEAN model. (Note: What I write below is what the test says, not how I actually feel about myself. We'll get to that.)
• I score low on open-mindedness – I am somewhat conventional.
• I scored high on conscientiousness – I am very well-organized and can be relied upon.
• I scored high on extraversion – I am extremely outgoing, social and energetic.
• I score freakishly low on agreeableness – I find it easy to criticize others.
• I score high on negative emotionality – I am a generally anxious person and tend to worry about things.
For the most part, I feel like my Myers-Briggs test is spot on. While I tend more towards extraversion, I can be introverted, and I do feel that I am very likely to tend towards observing and judging, rather than intuiting and prospecting.
And this quote from my profile definitely stood out to me as, "Yep, for sure."
Executive personalities rise to the occasion and meet their obligations with enviable consistency.
As far as my Big Five personality test, I mostly agree with my results, but I am not sure why I scored so low on agreeableness. A high scorer is described as "good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous" and a low scorer is described as "critical, rude, harsh, callous." I would put myself somewhere in the middle, not less agreeable than 99 percent of people who have taken this test.
As I expected, my weaknesses are being flexible, adjusting to changes in circumstances and worrying all the time. My strengths are planning, organizing and getting things done.
What is your personality type? What other tests should I take?