my december goals AND a little life update

Monday, December 04, 2017

Happy Monday!

I am typing this up pretty late on Sunday night because ... well... I really don't know where my weekend went. Both days, Patrick was occupied with sports, and I had made lots of plans to do laundry, clean the house and finish decorating for Christmas.

Well. The house is still disgusting, I have laundry started but certainly not finished and decorating? Ha. Not even close.


I signed up to be an independent distributor with SeneGence, the company that makes LipSense! You have probably heard of LipSense, but if not, it is an amazing lip color that lasts up to 18 hours – no smudging, no smearing, no transferring. I absolutely love it and my lips have never been so healthy during the winter in... ever. So, I officially am open for business!

I spent a lot of time this weekend and the few days this week after I made the decision to join the company getting things together – ordering business cards and supplies, making graphics, etc. The whole thing.

If you're interested in learning more about SeneGence and LipSense, I'd love to have you in my Facebook group! You can join here – no pressure to buy, just come and have fun with us while you learn more about the products.


Read 5 books in November. So close – I read four books in November. 

Start and finish National Novel Writing Month by writing 50,000 words in 30 days. Score! I did finish my NaNoWriMo novel in 30 days and wrote 50,704 words.

Drink 64 ounces of water every day, and limit myself to one caffeinated/non-water beverage a day. This was going really well at the beginning of the month but as it got closer to my birthday and I got busier and more exhausted, the caffeine was necessary and the water was an afterthought – although I am still drinking more than I was before. And then I got my new Keurig after Black Friday... and it went out the window.

Blog every Monday, Wednesday and Friday each week. Unfortunately, I missed a few days here, too. It's hard to keep up with everything!

Turn my phone off (or put it away) one hour before bedtime. I was really good about this for a week – so much for that.


Read 5 books in December. I blogged about my reading list last week and took a trip to Barnes & Noble for a stack of books to add to my already huge stack of books, so I hope now that NaNoWriMo is over, I can make time to read!

Drink 16 oz. of water for every caffeinated beverage I drink every day. I think this will be a more successful way for me to ensure I'm drinking water while also keeping my caffeine in my life... because I am not ready to get rid of it.

Clear my to do list of things I have been putting off before the new year. There are some tasks on my to do list that I have been neglecting for months. It is way past time to take my car in for a recall update (nothing incredibly dangerous, Mom!) and take our donations from our move to the donation center. Time to get them done before 2018!

Clean out my closet. I haven't done a good closet cleanout in a few months! Usually I do it at the start of every season, but I haven't done it since 



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